Ο Ρώσος μοναχός περιηγητής Βασίλι Μπάρσκι ο οποίος επισκέφθηκε την Μονή το 1735, κάνει λόγο για " ωραία λιθόκτιστη εκκλησία, όχι μικρή, ( ότι ) διορίσθηκαν ηγούμενος και ιερομόναχος και άρχισαν να μαζεύουν μοναχούς και έτσι δημιουργήθηκε το Μοναστήρι".Το Μοναστήρι αποτελείται από πέντε δωμάτια στη μια πλευρά και τρία στην άλλη. Η πρώτη προς στα νότια ήταν το κυρίως Μοναστήρι, ενό η δεύτερη προς στα βόρεια χρησίμευε ως στάβλος και αχυρώνας.Η εκκλησία του Μαναστηριού είναι δίκλιτη. Σύμφωνα με μια επιγραφή που βρέθηκε πάνω στο μεσαίο από τα τρία τόξα που ενώνουν τα δύο κλίτη της εκκλησίας, η εκκλησία του Μοναστηριού κτίστηκε πάνω στα ερείπια παλαιοχριστιανικής εκκλησίας. Η εκκλησία ανακαινίσθηκε με συνδρομές Χριστιανών από όλη την Κύπρο επι Αρχιεπισκόπου Φιλόθεου, το 1738. Η εκκλησία διέθετε σηματικό εικονοστάσιο με εικόνες που έφταναν μέχρι και τον 16 ο αιώνα τις οποίες αφαίρεσαν οι Τούρκοι μετά την εισβολή του 1974.
Το Μοναστήρι λειτουργούσε και ως Κέντρο Βυζαντινής και Μεταβυζαντινής τέχνης στο οποίο φυλάσσονταν και χειρόγραφα. Μετά την Τούρκικη εισβολή του 1974 εξαφανίστηκαν περισσότερες από 150 βυζαντινές εκκλησιαστικές εικόνες και ανεκτίμητης αξίας χειρόγραφα.Πριν τη Τουρκική εισβολή χιλιάδες προσκυνητές πήγαιναν κάθε χρόνο κατά την ημέρα της γιορτής του Αγίου, στις 12 Δεκεμβρίου στο Μοναστήρι του, όπου γινόταν μεγάλη πανήγυρη. Σήμερα η Μονή του Αγίου Σπυρίδωνα στην κατεχόμενη Τρεμετουσιά έχει μετατραπεί σε στρατώνα του Τουρκικού Στρατού και γι αυτό το λόγο δεν υπάρχουν πρόσφατες φωτογραφίες του Μοναστηριού αφού είναι απαγορευμένη περιοχή.

Saint Spyridon, the patron Saint of Corfu, was born around 270 A.D. in the village of Assia of the Famagusta district in Cyprus. As a child of poor shepherd parents, he could not recieve much education. However, he made sure to learn what God wants from people and what should man do to save his soul. Every Sunday he went to church for worship, he prayed to God and helped those who had need of him. After growing up, he married a virtuous woman, had children, and when suddenly he lost his wife at a young age, he was ordained as a priest.He was always against the love of money, he was wise, peaceful, calm and welcoming. He had the Divine Grace within him and did many miracles. He cured various diseases, gave sight to the blind and removed bad spirits from people. Later, when the Bishopric Throne of Tremithus ( Trimythus ) became vacant, and after the request of the people, Spyridon became Bishop of Tremithus.After his death on 12 December 348 A.D. , a church was built to his honour in Tremithus, the city where he lived and guided the people of God for many years. Tremithus was the name of the present day village of Tremetousia in the occupied area of the province of Larnaca in Cyprus. With time, a monastic community grew around the church, but unfortunately the early history of the monastery is unknown. The Russian monk traveler Vassili Barski who visited the monastery in 1735, speaks of " a great stone-build church, not small, (that) an abbot and a monk-priest were appointed, and who began to bring in monks, and in this way the monastery was created."The monastery consists of five rooms on one side and three on the other. The first, facing south, was the main monastery, wheres the second, facing north, served as a stable and a barn. The monastery is a two-aisled structure. According to an inscription found on the middle of the three arches connecting the two aisles of the church, the church of the monastery was built on the ruins of an Early Christian church. The church was renovated with the assistance of all the Christians on Cyprus under Archbishop Filotheos, in 1738. The church had an important iconostasis with icons dating back to the 16th century, which were removed by the Turks after their 1974 invasion of the island.The monastery also functioned as a Center of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine art in which ancient and rare manuscripts were kept as well. After the Turkish invasion of 1974 more than 150 Byzantine church icons disappeared along with invaluable manuscripts.Before the Turkish invasion, thousands of pilgrims used to go to the monastery every year on the day of the feast of the Saint, on the 12th of December, where a big feast used to take place. Today the monastery of Saint Spyridon in occupied Tremetousia has been turned into barracks of the Turkish Army and for this reason there are no recent photos of the monastery, since it is a restricted area.